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Sports ground Cherlenivka village

19 december 2021


The new sports ground was built at the expense of the state budget. This is not just another implemented project, but a new place of recreation and leisure for young people, so the opening was festive. The whole village gathered for the holiday. Officials of the Chernivtsi District State Administration and the leadership of the Vanchikovets United Territorial Community came to share the joy of Cherlenivtsi residents. The Deputy Head of the Chernivtsi State District Administration Karina Pop addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, thanking the United Territorial Community for the development of Cherleniy's sports infrastructure. Ms. Karina Pop presented diplomas to the most active participants in the construction of the sports ground.

Young athletes from Cherlenivska Secondary School were the first to try out the new sports ground. The festive atmosphere was completed by village fanfares.